Who i am?

Hello! My name is Anastasiya but everyone calls me Nastya. I started my career in quality assurance in 2013 and for now I have various experience in testing web, mobile and desktop applications. My expertise covers manual testing and automated testing. I am pretty confident when and how we need to automate and when it is better to quickly test manually and provide results. I am open-minded and very friendly team player, enjoying making a process of software development easier and understandable for all the participants. Bringing awareness of what and why QA are doing on the project, enthusiastic to establish testing processes from scratch and mentoring newcomers. Truly believe in Quality Assurance (not “testing” :) ), very communicative and straight forward person, open to any opportunity to share knowledge and gain some, where possible. I am interested in finance and banking industry, blockchain technology and crypto adoption and my true passion is vehicles and related software (hope to get a dream job in Honda some day :D ). I am a sporty person and I do BJJ since 2015, also being into tennis and gym.

Main technologies I work with: python, pytest ( + selenium for web apps) ( + Squish for QT / QML desktop apps) Jira, Confluence, Notion, Git, Jenkins, TestRail, Zeplin, Browserstack, Kentiko, Figma, Charles Proxy, Postman, Grafana, Graylog & ELK, EKS, JumpCloud, AWS, OVH, MySQL, SQLWorkBench

I also have around of 5.5 years of experience working with blockchain technology and web3 (staking, transactions overall, minting, airdropping, NFT, p2p messaging protocols (waku), i know what is Infura and ipfs, dApps and many more)

I completed several courses and continue learning Python now and QML (as it is required now for the application I work with)